Our LINECHEK II Leakage Current Tester is designed for medical device manufacturers. It has a feature set built around maximizing efficiency of the Leakage Current test. It provides 7 measuring devices (MD’s) compliant with international certification bodies as well as a convenient switching network to simulate all 8 required fault conditions. Everything you need for full Leakage Current compliance! Utilize the intuitive user interface or control via a PC for more advanced automated applications that require data storage and analysis. The 620L handles up to 40 A of continuous current and can be interfaced to an SC6540 modular multiplexer for multi-point testing. Interconnect the 620L to an OMNIA® II instrument to form a complete electrical safety compliance testing system.
Seven different human-body-simulation measuring devices (MD) and eight different testing fault condition simulations create a diversity of possibilities for replicating real-world conditions.
The series easily measures up to 40A DUT power, making it suitable for large-current industrial products.
Tester simultaneously displays voltage and touch current data on the measurement results for better readability.
Swappable measuring device (MD) enables faster calibrations, maintenance, and replacement.
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